Have Some E Liquid Companies Gone Too Far?

[ad_1] Thu 26 Jul 2018 As the old adage goes, you never feel older than 18 in your mind. Marketing gurus realise this, and exploit the inner child within us all wherever possible, through artwork and design, re-branding and re-releasing retro sweets and video games, bouncy castles for adults, adult cartoons etc. There is a […]

What Is DarkStar Laboratory? — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] You might have noticed a new section on our website recently entitled ‘DarkStar Laboratory’ or ‘DS Labs’. We are now releasing three new DS Labs flavours into the wild for you to test every month! From your feedback, we can then determine which are the best of the best to ensure that our main […]

Travelling with E-Cigarettes | eLiquid Flavour Concentrates

[ad_1] Sun 29 Jul 2018 As the use of e-cigs increases, the availability of places to use them reduces. Today we are going to discuss do’s and don’ts of transporting e-cigs, flight regulations and vaping in certain jurisdictions. While smoking cigarettes is legal in practically every country, vaping most certainly is not. This may […]

Vaping Without Nicotine — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Many people take up vaping because they have a goal to cut out nicotine entirely. You might gradually lower your nicotine content down to the lowest possible and then stop all together, but is there a way that vaping without nicotine could be beneficial to you? The most important questions would be; Is it […]

Parliamentary Report Backs Vaping | eLiquid Flavour Concentrates

[ad_1] Tue 21 Aug 2018 The University of Birmingham recently undertook extensive high-level research into e-cigarettes, cementing further the results of many peer-reviewed, publicly issued reports and inquiries into vaping, with its subsequent effect on health, the body and society at large. A Parliamentary report commissioned utilising the outcomes of the research has echoed the […]

A Guide To Sub-Ohm Vaping — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Back in the day when vaping first started becoming popular, the options for hardware were limited. You could pick up what we now call ‘pen devices’ or ‘cig-a-likes’ which the sole purpose of was to mimic the act of smoking. Perfect for kicking the habit, easy to use but not super satisfying with minimal […]

DIY E Liquid – Let’s Do The Maths

[ad_1] Tue 21 Aug 2018 Smokers have always had the option of rolling their own cigarettes rather than buying a pack. Of course there is some inconvenience to rolling, and many have personal preference to a particular brand of cigarettes. However with the average pack of 20 cigarettes at £10.40, surely more smokers would switch […]

New to Vaping? Start Here! — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Most first time vapers get into vaping because they are trying to quit smoking and kick the habit for good, but the sheer amount of technology, new ways to vape and new products can be overwhelming at first. Let us simplify the transition to vaping for you. Short Fills Short Fills are great. On […]

Could Vaping Regulations Be Relaxed in the UK?

Five Flavours Popular with New Vapers
[ad_1] Since the advent of the dreaded TPD rules in 2017 in the UK  we have had to labour under heavy vaping restrictions such as maximum tank capacity of 2ml or a maximum nic strength or packaging requirements and restrictions of vaping in or around public spaces and buildings, However there is now a groundswell […]

What Is It And How To Avoid It? — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Ever been enjoying your favourite flavour only to reach a point where that flavour you know and love is dulled? Or even worse, you can’t taste it at all anymore? This is called ‘vapers tongue’ (also known as ‘vapers fatigue’). Not to worry. This effect is not permanent. Read on to learn what causes […]