[ad_1] UFI adalah elemen penting dalam menempatkan produk di pasar, karena memungkinkan identifikasi cepat terhadap komposisinya. Berkat itu, seseorang bisa mendapatkan bantuan medis yang cepat jika terjadi keracunan atau kecelakaan. Namun, perlu diingat, bahwa selain UFI, ada beberapa peraturan tentang industri vape. Mungkin saja: MENJANGKAU [...]
Arsip Bulanan: Desember 2022
[ad_1] oleh Ruthless Vapor 16 Desember 2022 Sangat jarang ada RUU yang saat ini bahkan menyentuh gagasan untuk melindungi tembakau, jadi House Bill 513 (HB513) dari Ohio adalah RUU yang penting. Mayoritas RUU tersebut berkaitan dengan pajak dan utang tembakau. Namun, sebuah bagian dari HB513 membuatnya relevan dengan memengaruhi [...]
[Sejauh ini, salah satu produk kami yang paling populer, One Shots! Konsentrat rasa yang diformulasikan secara khusus yang dibuat oleh para ahli racikan DarkStar dan dirancang untuk menciptakan e-liquid yang lezat dan lengkap. Anda sekarang dapat menemukan SEMUA rasa asli DarkStar kami tersedia sebagai produk One Shot dalam berbagai ukuran, hingga 1000ml! Tapi apa sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan [...]
[ad_1] Seiring dengan berakhirnya musim penghargaan, kami dengan senang hati mengumumkan bahwa, terima kasih kepada Anda, DarkStar telah membawa pulang penghargaan dalam kategori-kategori berikut ini! Emas Perak: Perunggu: 2022 merupakan tahun yang luar biasa bagi DarkStar dan apresiasi yang Anda tunjukkan di sini sangat berarti bagi kami! Sangat menyenangkan [...]
[ad_1] You may have seen the phrase ‘Short Fill’ whilst browsing e-liquid products. But what exactly is a Short Fill? We’ve put together this short blog to break down everything you need to know about these convenient, money saving products. Short Fills generally come in 60ml or 100ml bottles and are 0mg e-liquids, meaning […]
[ad_1] Vape trade exhibitions in Europe and the Middle East – checked! South America is now on the agenda! Having said that, we are thrilled to inform you that we will be participating in the upcoming World Vape Show in Paraguay which will bring together manufacturers and suppliers from the global vaping and nicotine sectors. […]
[ad_1] Above, you could read the opinions of RIVM and Emil ‘t Hart of the trade association Esigbond. We also asked Marcin Górecki, the head of the Chemnovatic Legal Regulations Department, what he thinks about the Dutch ban. Here’s what he said: “The Netherlands is the first country that went so far in regulating flavoured […]
[ad_1] Nicotine In our offer, you can find every raw material necessary for e-liquid manufacturing. Our flagship product is PureNic 99+, the purest nicotine distilled in our facility in Poland and, by many, considered to be the best on the market. Our nicotine is a premium quality product, manufactured in accordance with USP/EP requirements. Thanks […]
[ad_1] In recent years, the trend concerning CBD products in the e-liquid market couldn’t go unnoticed. Due to that, let’s also take a look at CBD regulations regarding e-liquids. Let’s start with the countries where CBD products, both nicotine-containing or nicotine-free, are forbidden. Here, there are The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal, and […]
[ad_1] by Ruthless Vapor November 30, 2022 Phillip Morris International (PMI) had bought Swedish Match, a company known for its snus and tobacco pouches. Swedish Match is an interesting tobacco company – it is a tobacco company that doesn’t produce cigarettes. Instead, Swedish Match focuses on snus and nicotine pouches. But what are snus, and […]