Can’t Concentrate? Try Making This Lavender Focus Latte


 Photo credit @matildadjerf

Have trouble focusing? Same. The ability to focus is a skill that seems completely made up, like “getting eight full hours of sleep” or “multitasking effectively.” Our day-to-day is filled with distractions that make it hard to stay on task—especially if said task is mundane. That’s where this latte recipe comes in.

It takes only minutes to make and contains a blend of powdered chaga, lion’s mane, and reishi mushrooms via Apothékary’s Mind Over Matter supplement. Together, these non-psychedelic ’shrooms are basically nature’s Adderall. They’ve been used for thousands of years to help promote focus, clarity, and calm. And don’t worry, this latte doesn’t taste like portobello; the earthy flavor of the powdered mushrooms blends into the espresso, and the lavender and sugar create a balanced flavor.

Here’s how to make it.

Lavender Focus Latte

Recipe Type:Beverage

Dietary Info:Vegan

Serving Size:2

Prep Time:5 mins.

Cook Time:5 mins.

Total Time:5 mins.


1. Bring the water to a boil.
2. Add the lavender flowers and stir to help infuse.
3. Take off heat and strain the flowers from the water.
4. Place the strained water back on stove and add the raw sugar.
5. Stir and let the sugar dissolve until a syrup is formed.
6. Brew the ground espresso.
7. Froth the milk.
8. Add Add lavender syrup to taste and Mind Over Matter to the prepared espresso.
9. Top with frothed milk.
10. Enjoy!

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