ELFC Welcomes Isle of Custard!


ELFC Welcomes Isle of Custard! thumbnail

Fri 10 Feb 2017

ELFC is happy to introduce Isle of Custard! The newest addition to our flavour concentrate brands.


Based in the Isle of Wight, Isle of Custard have developed a strong reputation for making some of the best, errm, custard flavours in the UK. But they also include other base flavours such as Chorros and Cereal.


If you’re a lover of sweet, creamy, custardy vapes, then you’ll surely love this range of premium flavour concentrates!



Some of Isle of Custard’s flavour concentrates include:



Blackbeard’s Blood E Liquid Flavour Concentrate


Blackbeard’s Blood

Vanilla custard with caramel and rich biscuit



Churrosity Creek E Liquid Flavour Concentrates


Sweet and creamy churros with a hint of cinnamon



Walk the Plank E liquid Flavour Concentrates

Walk the Plank

Vanilla custard with sweet raspberry jam.


Check out the entire Isle of Custard range.


추가 정보: ELFC Welcomes Kaveman Juice!



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