If you’re new to the world of DIY e-liquids, you can find all the information you need here.
Follow our step-by-step guide to mixing e-liquids and get the perfect vape every time.
Why make your own e-liquids?
When you mix your own e-liquids, you can create almost any flavour you can imagine. There are hundreds of recipes for you to choose from, so you’ll definitely find a flavour you love.
You get to experiment with tastes and PG/VG ratios to get the perfect vape juice for you. It’s the ultimate way to tailor your vaping experience.
It’s fun to mix your own recipes and try them out – you never know what creation you’re going to make your all-day-vape.
Of course, mixing your own vape juice can save you a lot of money, too!
What you will need
You will need all the relevant ingredients for your recipe and the tools to mix them.
Generally, e-liquid is made up of four ingredients: a ‘base’ of PG and VG, Flavour Concentrates and (if wanted) nicotine.
- PG (Propylene Glycol) is great for carrying flavours and provides a throat hit
- VG (Vegetable Glycerine) is a viscous liquid which thickens your mix and creates most of the vapour
- Flavour Concentrates create the flavour and normally comprise 5-20% of the e-liquid
- Nicotine can also be added to your e-liquid (usually at 3mg strength)
Our ㅏccessory Kits include everything you need to mix your own e-liquids by volume
- Syringes and pipettes
- A beaker to mix in
- A glass (or plastic) bottle to put your finished e-liquid in
- Paper towels
- Disposable gloves to protect you when handling nicotine
Step-by-step mixing
Step 1:
The first thing is to choose your recipe. You can make your own or choose one from our delicious range of recipes.
You will need to decide how much e-liquid you are going to create, what PG/VG ratio you want and what nicotine level (if any) you require.
Use our 전자 액체 계산기 to calculate your own recipes.
If you would like a step-by-step guide on using our E-Liquid Calculator, click 여기.
Hint: all of our flavour concentrates come in a PG base.
As an example, I’m going to create 20ml of one of my favourite recipes: Banilla Gelato.
It’s made up of:
Recommended steeping time: 4 days
I mix it at 30%PG/70%VG.
I want my e-juice to be 3mg strength. My nicotine shot comes in a 30/70 base and 18mg strength.
Step 2:
Get your equipment ready to use, your recipe ready to follow and your gloves on.
Use a syringe to draw out the required amount of PG and transfer it to your mixing beaker.
Then use a syringe to draw out the required amount of VG.
Top tip: using the smallest appropriate syringe makes it easier to measure accurately (for example, for 0.8ml, use a 1ml syringe).
If you are making Banilla Gelato, draw out 2.2ml of PG and add to your beaker. Then draw out 11.67ml of VG and add to the beaker.
Step 3:
Next add the flavours. Make sure you rinse your syringe after adding each flavour so you don’t contaminate the flavours in their bottles.
Add the two flavours to create Banilla Gelato. You’ll need 1.6ml of Ripe Banana and 1.2ml of Vanilla Bean Gelato.
Step 4:
Add your nicotine, if you are using it.
Always wear gloves to handle nicotine as it can be absorbed through your skin.
To make your Banilla Gelato recipe 3mg strength, add 3.33ml of nicotine.
Step 5:
Give your ingredients a good mix in the beaker.
Transfer your liquid to a bottle, put the lid on and shake the bottle well.
Step 7:
Your e-liquid is now ready to vape! Test out your home-made e-juice.
Enjoy your Banilla Gelato flavour e-juice.
Share your recipes
We love to hear from you. Let us know how your first DIY mixing went by contacting us on 페이스북 그리고 트위터, or post your favourite recipes in the comments section.
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