Geschrieben von James Pawley | 03.22.18
After a bit of a delay, I’m ready to get back on track with the DIY Drops as it saw a lot of positive feedback last time. The e-liquid recipe we’ll be looking at today is one of the office favourites ‘Galaxy Cream’ and was the second recipe I ever created.
The Creation
I originally called the recipe ‘Peach Cream’ but decided that it wasn’t creative enough, so after about 30 seconds of extra thought, I decided that ‘Galaxy’ was a better word to use than ‘Peach’. Thus, we have ended up with ‘Galaxy Cream’ a blend of peach, cream and banana with a cakey base. This recipe was originally completely experimental, and was created through my thought process of ‘they sound like they will go nice together’. After about three different renditions, I ended up with something that I thought tasted good, and the office agreed with me. The recipe can, and should still be tweaked and adjusted to your liking, as what we like could be entirely different to what you like.
The E-Liquid Recipe
Hier ist das Rezept für die Probe, die ich gemacht habe:
- PG-VG: 30/70
- 3mg Nicotine
- 6% CAP Peaches & Cream
- 5% TFA Reife Banane
- 3% CAP Glazed Donut
- 3% CAP New York Cheesecake
Alle diese Zutaten finden Sie unter Machen Sie meinen Vape-Laden. Recommended steeping time: 1 week Sie können einen E-Liquid-Rechner verwenden, wenn Sie neu beim Mischen sind und sich nicht sicher sind, was Sie damit tun sollen. Es gibt viele online, aber ich benutze unseren eigenen Rechner; es ist wirklich einfach und umfassend. Du kannst es finden hier.
Das Ergebnis
I’ve left the solution that I made for a few days and it still looks slightly cloudy with a yellowish tint, indicating to me that it should be steeped for at least a week. I’d expect an acceptably aged Galaxy Cream will go a darker yellow and be clearer than the one I am testing now. Still, I’m going to load it into my tank and see what it’s like. It smells quite strongly of peach, however I can also smell the creamy undertones. I can’t really smell the banana, however it’s likely complimenting the peach. It smells quite pleasant, and reassures me that the taste will come out nicely. The Glazed Donut and New York Cheesecake are generally used as base flavours, so I don’t expect them to come out very strongly in the smell of Galaxy Cream. Now I’ve loaded up a taster in my eVic VT mod and the first toot is quite harsh, probably due to me not firing it for a few seconds first. Second time around, the first thing I can taste is the Peaches and Cream and it’s quite strong, but I can still pick up on hints of Ripe Banana which compliment the peach nicely. The Glazed Donut is a very mild aftertaste and could easily go unnoticed, while the New York Cheesecake seems to have been lost in translation. These two could perhaps go up to 4% or 5% each, or the Peaches and Cream could be lowered so as it doesn’t overpower everything else. However overall, it certainly isn’t unpleasant; in fact, it tastes great and could easily become my ADV. I am happy with the outcome of Galaxy Cream, and would encourage you, as always, to try it for yourself and see how yours comes out! If you like this e-liquid recipe, then share it with your friends and sign up to our newsletter where you can be notified when a new recipe is released for you to have a go and experiment with!