Neuer Termin für ein Firmenfußballspiel steht!


A new challenge has risen on Chemnovatic’s path. We are about to partake in… a charity football tournament!

As you may have seen on our social media channels, we were supposed to play a football match against a friendly company – Aliplast. The date was supposed to be 10 September, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, it was postponed. Two football teams of both companies will face each other on 8 October!

The noble idea behind this initiative is to raise funds for sports scholarships for young children from Ukraine. In order to help, we will play a 6×6 football match, that will last 12 minutes.

The charity match will take place on the Aliplast’s sports pitch, located by Moritza 3 street in Lublin. The beginning of the competition is planned for 9 a.m. Feel free to join us and help us raise funds for young sportsmen!

More details are available in this link (only in Polish).


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