Kaffee & Zigaretten beenden


Quitting Smoking and Coffee

Need your
daily kick of nicotine and caffeine but want to lead a healthier lifestyle?
Ditching the coffee and cigarettes doesn’t have to be the stuff of nightmares,
for your new favourite pick-me-up might be tastier and easier to get to grips
with than you think – thought about
switching to vaping and juice bars?

We all have
our favourite way of doing things and our favourite combinations. Whether it’s
going to pie-night at your local pub on a Wednesday or going for an early
morning swim before you kick on with your working day – we are a habitual kind
of people, keen to continue the rituals of life we hold so dear to our hearts
and can conceivably lead us to believe, makes us who we are.

and coffee can so often feel like one of those matches made in heaven. A creamy
and aromatic cup of the hot-stuff cradled in one’s hand, sending boundless
bouquets of ‘wake-me-up’ to your body and mind, all the while accompanied by
your treasured blend of Virginia grown tobacco cigarette. Culturally, it’s a bit of a ‘thing’. What you
might not know, is that actually, these two highly addictive accoutrements to
life are a pretty lethal combination.

Stimulants that don’t Mix

coffee has some fabulous health benefits, like anything it should be consumed
in moderation. However, every time you light up a cigarette in tandem with your
Tanzanian coffee bean brew of goodness you are putting your body through its
paces, with some potentially dire consequences for your heart and health.
Coffee and cigarettes are both stimulants that simply don’t work well together.

contain thousands of chemicals which your body and most notably your heart,
meets and greets with a knowing grimace of demise and decay. We get hooked to
the nicotine (and sugar) and before we know it, we find ourselves caught in a
net of addiction. Whether you get hooked or not, research suggests smoking just
one cigarette can increase the chance of
heart disease and stroke risk.

What Happens to Your Body

The carbon
monoxide inhaled when you smoke kills important cells in your blood vessels which
allow nasty fats and plaque to stick to them, thus clogging them up and difficult for the blood to travels through. Additionally, smoking reduces
the capability of your lungs which will essentially put a strain on the blood
pumping around your body and ultimately your heart. The advice? Just quit

Coffee and
the caffeine found within has been found in some studies to increase your blood
flow by up to 30%, which can be a good thing depending on your circumstances.
If you’re a smoker though, the news is not so good. The increased blood flow
from drinking your coffee, combined with the clogging up of your blood vessels
ends up putting immense strain on your heart.

How to Quit a Recreational Drug

The good
news? Vaping e-cigarettes to get your fix of nicotine and drinking fresh-pressed
juice, made at home or from a juice bar, are a pretty sweet alternative that has the potential to
help you quit cigarettes completely and provide you with a few of your five a day at the same time.

and vaping have been found to be up to 95% safer than cigarettes as well as a
more cost-effective choice, should you
choose some
basic kit. Like anything in life, there is a range of devices to choose from, but our
advice is to start with a
sample pack of e liquid und an e-cigarette for a new vaper to get you going.

Why You Will Crave Sugar

As well as
nicotine, cigarettes also contain an awful lot of
sugar, which is why you so often hear people craving sugar when they quit
smoking. Rather than sucking on a lollipop, why not juice some fruit and veg?
Fruit contains lots of natural sugars which can work as a nice substitute to
what your body is used from the cigarettes.

We’re not saying you have
to ditch the coffee completely, but when it comes to fresh juice, an assortment
of fruit and vegetables can be blended to create highly nutritious and tasty
alternatives to your daily coffee. Why not give it a go? What we are saying is,
quit smoking and start vaping!


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