Écrit par Make My Vape | 02.21.18
DIY E-Liquid is easy to learn, but hard to master. How many times have you created a new e-liquid that doesn’t taste how you intended, or just isn’t pleasant to vape? This article will go over some best practices for making your own juice that will give you the best possible chance of creating something amazing.
Avoid cross-contamination
This is the simplest change you can make to your mixing to improve the quality of the juices you create:
- Wash your syringes after using them, or use multiple needle tips
- Rinse out any containers you are using to hold base liquids or flavour concentrates
- Wipe up any spilt liquids
Use glass bottles
Another simple change that you can make, albeit slightly more expensive, is to use glass bottles. The reason for this is that glass is less reactive than plastic, and will give you a more accurate representation of your flavour profile. Plastic can begin to react with your e-liquid over time and can make an off-tasting juice; this is especially true if you are using a steeping method involving heat.
Use the right flavours
If you have made an e-liquid that you really enjoyed before, then try to remember the flavours that blended well together. Search online for recipes made by other users that have been given good feedback and see what flavours they used. There is such thing as a bad recipe; you might have put two flavours together that are great on their own but create an awful tasting flavour profile when combined.
Don’t take precision lightly
Getting lazy while mixing will greatly affect the quality and accuracy of your end product. Make sure you take precise measurements to the closest 0.1ml at least. A good way to do this is to keep a large syringe (5+ ml) and a precision syringe (1 ml) handy while mixing; this way you can easily ensure that your 0.5% of TFA Strawberry is not going to become 0.6% or 0.4%. However, using precision syringes will not be effective if you don’t use them properly; take your time to fill liquids to the correct marked line on your syringe and if you make a mistake, make the same mistake with all of your measurements to compensate.
DIY mixing is all about experimentation. Everyone has unique tastes and therefore you can only create a ‘good’ juice if you discover what works for you. You aren’t going to make a perfect e-liquid every time, but you can take notes on what juices you did and didn’t like, what made them work, and what made them fail. While you experiment, make a larger batch of a juice you enjoyed before so that you can hold out until you make your next awesome sauce.
If you stick to these five points when mixing e-liquid, then the process will become much more smooth and controlled. You’ll really taste the benefit when you fire your new juice for the first time.
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