Vape Sepanjang Hari Musim Gugur 2020 - Make My Vape


I love this time of year when summer starts drifting into autumn.  It’s a beautiful season, with the trees turning all sorts of glorious colours and the weather just starting to cool down.

I’ve tried to capture the ‘autumn’ feeling in my e-juice and, though I’ve made some delicious recipes, they don’t quite get it right.  That is until I made Autumn Equinox.

What makes this vape juice special is that it captures both the freshness of the season and provides the warm comfort I want from my vape once the weather turns cold.

It’s a really simple recipe – only three flavours – and so, even if you’re new to DIY mixing, you’ll be able to make a perfect batch.

The Recipe: Autumn Equinox

10% Blueberry (extra) – The Flavor Apprentice

5% Raspberry – Capella

5% Bavarian Cream – Flavor West

Recommended steeping time: 3 days

Get the details of the recipe Autumn Equinox di sini.

The Mix

I’m vaping this in a 30%PG/70%VG e-liquid.

I made this at 3mg nicotine strength, using a 30/70 18mg nic shot.

To make 50ml, I used:

  • 2.5ml of PG (2.5g)
  • 29.17ml of VG (36.75g)
  • 8.33ml of nicotine (9.85g)
  • 5ml of Blueberry (extra) (5g)
  • 2.5ml of Raspberry (2.5g)
  • 2.5ml of Bavarian Cream (2.5g)

Go to our E-Liquid Calculator to get the right measurements to make this the perfect vape juice for you.  You can adjust your PG/VG ratio if you don’t like as much cloud as I do.


With only a three-day steep, this e-liquid is one of the ones that I can make in a hurry if I’m running out of e-juice, which is good since I’ve already had to mix another batch because I’m enjoying it so much.

Autumn Equinox captures the amazing freshness of the season with its ripe raspberry and blueberry flavours.  They’re fruits that are in season at this time of year and I haven’t vaped (or eaten) much of them over the summer, so now is the perfect time to taste them again.

What makes this recipe my all-day-vape and not just a nice e-liquid is that it has that delicious Bavarian cream flavour in it too, which gives it a thick mouthfeel and an air of richness.  It tastes just a little bit indulgent, like I’m getting a treat each time – exactly what I want for when the weather starts to turn.

Share your all-day-vape for autumn

We’re always on the look-out for great new recipes so, if you have a favourite vape for these autumn months, let us know what it is.

Post them below or catch us on Facebook atau Twitter to share your best e-liquids.

We’ll put the best ones on our website to share with the whole vaping community – please let us know what name (if any) you would like us to credit the recipe to.

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