Che cos'è lo svapo con controllo della temperatura e come funziona?


What Is Temperature Control Vaping And How Does It Work?

Vaping devices have advanced leaps and bounds in the past few years as technology evolved.
Starting as a way to get your nicotine fix, we are now witnessing billions of pounds circulating from consumers – craving the latest models that can do much more than when vaping began way back in 2003.

It’s an industry packed with innovation and creativity, as brands like SMOK, Innokin and GeekVape seek ways to please modern vapers.
One particular feature that’s turned numerous heads is the introduction of temperature control (TC).

The aim of the game with this adjustable setting all comes down to optimising the vaping experience for individual needs.
But if it’s so easy you ask – why doesn’t every device have temperature control?
We explain the meaning of temperature control in vaping circles, how it can help extend coil life and lots more.

What Is Temperature Control Vaping?

Just in case you didn’t know, the coils in your vape can reach extremely high temperatures.
Think an English heatwave (a rare occurrence) times ten – that’s right, 300 degrees celsius and rising!
If you vape continuously, just imagine what that’s doing to your coil.
The coils sole purpose is to heat the e-liquid with a little help from the wick.
But you need to keep it at the right temperatures, otherwise, you run the risk of burning your coil, leaving a horrible taste in the throat.
Any vaper who has experienced this will tell you it’s not fun!
Thanks to the innovations of Evolv back in 2014, the demand for vaping temperature control was born and the industry has not looked back.
Now we see all sorts of mods hit the market that can provide this function. But why was there such a clamour for this in the vaping industry?
Does it make a difference? Let’s explore the benefits of selecting a mod device which supports TC.

Benefits Of Temperature Control Vaping

  1. TC stops dry and burnt hits when you vape, killing the chance of them before it begins. This is fantastic for vapers of any level because you can enjoy the same consistently pleasing experience and not feel like the vaping gradually gets worse with each inhale.
  2. Protect not just your coils but your wicks too, which last longer at an optimised temperature.
  3. This in turn creates a longer battery life because the coil only heats to the correct amount required.
  4. More control over areas such as flavour, picking and choosing the right heat to match a sharp inhale or a long drawn out one for bigger vapour.
  5. Protects other components of your vape such as the tank.

Disadvantages Of TC

  1. Only works with specific coil types, such as stainless steel, nickel and titanium, limiting your choice. For instance, Kanthal – which is a popular choice with most variable wattage only vapes, does not work with TC mode.
  2. Temperature control can be challenging for beginner vapers because it requires adjustments to find the optimised temperature. If you want to take that bold step, start low in TC mode and work your way up, similar to what you do when you begin adjusting the wattage after switching from beginner pods.
  3. Some devices offer this option but struggle to find a balance between wattage and temperature control to provide a decent enough vape.

What Is The TCR Vape Setting?

Each wire is based on a specific Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR), which essentially explains the switch of resistance in coils when the temperature changes. While this sounds complicated, some devices have TCR values programmed into the device to match the TC coils listed above, so that helps vapers a great deal. Any device that supports TC needs to know the TCR value, otherwise, it will not be able to adjust the temperature accordingly by changing the coil resistance. To find out the TCR value for your chosen coil, a simple Google search will reveal what you need to set and lock as a resistance level. You can tailor even more by adjusting the wattage too if that’s possible with your device. Don’t set your wattage too low to keep a good flavour and minimise dryness with the coils.

It’s going to sound obvious, but you need a mod device that supports TC mode. You’ll rarely find a beginner or useful secondary pod device that supports temperature control as a function because it’s more of an advanced setting. Once you have found the right mod for you that offers TC, the next step is matching the right coil with it. The coils that are compatible with TC mode include:

  • Stainless steel
  • Titanium
  • Nickel

In contrast, if you find a mod that only supports nichrome or Kanthal (one of the most popular coils for everyday devices), chances are even if the device states it supports TC mode, it will not work – at least to a good standard. This is because the resistance needs to be able to slide up and down on the scale based on the set temperature.

When the device temperature goes up when you vape, the coil resistance needs to match it like for like. With coil types like Kanthal, it’s set at a particular resistance and not able to change, ending any chances of TC mode. Stainless steel is your safest bet to vape TC and not have any issues as it’s the most common.

Temperature Control vs Variable Wattage?

While temperature control is seen as the setting for now and the future to optimise your vape, and still available in lots of different high-powered mods, there are mixed feelings in the vaping community.
When it works well, temperature control is a fantastic innovation which gives the user more control over how they vape.
However, not every TC mode with a vape works well.
If done right, TC mode can work wonders for advanced vapers looking to increase cloud production and flavour.

But broadly speaking, because temperature control is a complicated subject that requires you know your stuff, variable wattage right now is seen as the wiser alternative.
It doesn’t need as much knowledge and you can find most devices are easy to adjust the wattage to suit.
It gives more power to the vaper and better performance without the fuss or learning about the different coils.
Overall, variable wattage is better than temperature control, at least for the moment, because it’s easier to use, safer and more readily available.

What’s The Ideal Vaping Temperature?

Every vaper has different requirements and each e-liquid varies, working better at different temperatures based on the consistency and PG/VG ratio.
The good thing about temperature control is you can go up and down in increments, setting it to the right production and flavour to match your preference.
However, because it can be confusing, especially when you need to consider different TC settings and matching them with the right coil, variable wattage may be the safe option. If you do want to vape in TC mode, it’s advised to start at a lower temperature and work your way up.

With TC, you just want the set up to be as easy as possible so you can get stuck into vaping how you prefer.
Most coils can heat from anywhere between 100 degrees celsius up to 350 degrees.
So it’s about finding the right coil resistance, temperature, e-liquid and wattage control to suit your preference.
Some devices are geared more towards certain vapers than others.
For instance, with the GeekVape Aegis X, which is a really popular device for all levels, you can fire up to 200W which is more than enough for a powerful vaping experience.
It features TC mode too and the capability is there, but it won’t give you the optimisation at a high level as it does at the lower end of the scale.
To maximise its potential, the Aegis X is suited more to MTL vaping using fewer watts.

Best Temperature Control Mod 2021

1) GeekVape Aegis Legend 2

Any vape mod that has three protective features (dustproof, waterproof and shockproof) in addition to temperature control gets our seal of approval.
New for 2021, the Aegis Legend 2 is not only durable because of the alloy and silicon build but seriously stylish too.
You can alter the best TC mod on our list for a warm or cooler vape and also access the Variable Wattage Mode, Variable Curve Mode and Bypass Mode too to reach the full potential of your batteries in one hit.

2) Innokin Proton Mini Ajax Upgrade

This compact vape mod provides a range of wonderful features for vapers of an advanced level to enjoy.
As well as a large TFT 1.45 inch colour monitor and the recognisable Proton ‘joystick’, it also offers temperature control to users.
Considering it has a whopping 3400mAh battery too, you can vape all day on the Proton Mini from Innokin while adjusting the settings including TC to tailor it exactly how you want.

3) GeekVape Aegis X

Some devices are geared more towards certain vapers than others. For instance, with the GeekVape Aegis X, which is a really popular device for all levels, you can fire up to 200W which is more than enough for a powerful vaping experience.
It features TC mode too and the capability is there, but it won’t give you the optimisation at a high level as it does at the lower end of the scale.
To maximise its potential as one of the most durable and versatile TC mods on the market, the Aegis X is suited more to MTL vaping using fewer watts.

4) Innokin MVP5 Ajax Kit

This impressive box mod with a huge 5200mAh battery can do the lot. TC is just one of many features in a jack of all trades device from Innokin that even boasts a flashlight – is there anything the MVP5 doesn’t do? Because of the large battery capacity it even acts as a power bank should you run out of energy on your mobile phone.
It goes up to 120W and can be adjusted based on MTL or DTL preference.

Verdict On TC Mode

Vaping is a very personal experience. No vaper likes the same – with coil resistance or e-liquid flavour just some ways you can adjust to suit the individual.
With TC mode, it’s a great idea and can work to the vapers advantage, should they have the right set up.
For recognising dry spots or burnt coils, it’s perfect for protecting your coils from damage.
If you’re lucky enough to find a mod device that not only offers adjustable TC but customised TCR too, that demonstrates an advanced vaping kit which can be fine-tuned to meet high demands.
For example, you will know that your e-liquid is running low because the vape will lose its consistency – slowly reducing in temperature.

However, to find a mod that not only provides this but does so to a decent standard is the tricky part.
Therefore, in most cases, adjustable wattage is the best setting to focus on for an simplified but optimised experience.
It allows regular vapers who don’t understand the terminology more wiggle room with their device and is a less time-consuming process for those in a rush that simply want minimum fuss.
TC mode is handy for increasing the longevity of your coils by removing the possibility of dry spots or burning them, but also requires a more technical level of expertise.
Best to stick with the easier option till you feel completely confident in your knowledge of vaping.
At Pure E-Liquids, you can find out more information about vaping in our guides and reviews via our blog, or reach out to us through the customer service team, who are happy to help.

Vaping devices have advanced leaps and bounds in the past few years as technology evolved. Starting as a way to get your nicotine fix, we are now witnessing billions of pounds circulating from consumers – craving the latest models that can do much more than when vaping began way back in 2003.

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