TPD Compliance | ELFC Blog

[ad_1] Tue 8 Dec 2020 Vaping is pretty new. Not necessarily new-new but new enough that many bets are still out about its place in society and where it’ll be in 10 years time. However, like any other product that is inhaled, or more broadly “consumed”, regulation is required to ensure public health. So what’s the governing body involved? The TPD or Tobacco Products Directive was established by the EU in 2014 and still applies to the UK market via the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency). As such, it’s important to know what this means for vaping and how vapers can use this to ensure that their products are […]

The DarkStar Vaping Personality Quiz! — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Vaping enthusiast are often portrayed stereotypically, and sometimes negatively in the media. Here at DarkStar, we know that is not the case! Whether you are a transitioning smoker/newbie, a fully-fledged vape nerd or a stealth vaper, we all have our personal tastes and differences when it comes to vaping. Take our short Vaping Personality Quiz to find out your most likely fit. Which are you?   [ad_2] Source link

Sub-ohm vaping | ELFC Blog

[ad_1] Wed 27 Jan 2021 If you are new to vaping, you may have seen the term ‘sub-ohm vaping’ while you are looking across the hundreds of websites on the topic to see if this is something you want to try. Maybe you are an experienced vaper and you want to attempt something new. No matter what your reason is, sub-ohm vaping is basically a different type of experience to what the traditional vape may be. The idea behind sub-ohm vaping is that it basically provides a fuller experience for the user. More vapour going to your lungs creates a richer experience of its flavour, and allows you to produce […]

Sub-ohm vaping | ELFC Blog

[ad_1] Wed 27 Jan 2021 If you are new to vaping, you may have seen the term ‘sub-ohm vaping’ while you are looking across the hundreds of websites on the topic to see if this is something you want to try. Maybe you are an experienced vaper and you want to attempt something new. No matter what your reason is, sub-ohm vaping is basically a different type of experience to what the traditional vape may be. The idea behind sub-ohm vaping is that it basically provides a fuller experience for the user. More vapour going to your lungs creates a richer experience of its flavour, and allows you to produce […]

DarkStar Products Explained — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] If you are just starting out on your journey into vaping, it can be a confusing transition. At DarkStar, we offer a wide range of e liquid products. We’ve put together this short blog to explain how some of our core products should be used.   Bottle Shots   Perhaps our most popular product, Bottle Shots are the perfect way to make 250ml of e-liquid and not break the bank in the process. It’s important to remember when you buy your DarkStar Bottle Shot, this is not a ready to vape product and requires other ingredients to make it up to a completed liquid, ready to use. A Bottle […]

nicotine shots, ELFC

[ad_1] Fri 19 Feb 2021 When people are giving up smoking, it can be difficult trying to get over the hit that comes with the nicotine in a cigarette. Different people want a different experience from vaping. Some are happy to form clouds and want to enjoy the hundreds of different flavours that comes with it. But for some, that throat hit is exactly what makes vaping worthwhile. If you fall under this category, nicotine shots, or nic shots, are an invaluable tool in a vaper’s arsenal that can help enhance the experience for you. What are they?   The need for nic shots came about through the Tobacco Products […]

電子タバコ用アクセサリーのリサイクル方法 — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1]   Did you know that cigarette butts are one of the highest polluters in the world? They can stop plants from growing and pollute rivers, lakes and oceans, causing harm to fish. So it’s important for us as vapers or ex smokers to help make a difference in every way we can. We’ve put together this short blog to give you some tips and tricks to make sure you are disposing of your e cigarette accessories responsibly.   Batteries   Your e-cigarette battery contains hazardous chemicals that if released to the environment could cause harm. Make sure you remove your battery from the device and put it in any […]


[ad_1] Wed 11 Aug 2021 Disposable vape devices have taken the market by storm in recent months. Walk into any high street vape shop and you’ll find an array of brightly coloured USB looking sticks covered in the obligatory nicotine warning. Disposable e cigarettes are a simple (and not at all new) concept – it’s a small device that contains a battery and around 2ml of e liquid. The user simply draws on the mouth piece to vape. There’s no denying that disposables are a convenient way for smokers to try vaping, but we don’t think that they’re a viable, or sensible, way to vape in the long term. Here’s […]

E-Liquid 成分 – PG & VG とは? – 私の蒸気を吸う

[ad_1] Written By Make My Vape ESC | 02.21.18 There has been a lot of talk over e-liquid ingredients. Some people just seem to want to scare everybody, while others are simply trying to inform. This article will be doing the latter by going through each ingredient found in e-liquid, specifically VG and PG, and describing them in some depth so you can understand how they are used, why they are used in vaping specifically and the health risks associated with them. E-Liquid Ingredients First of all, how many e-liquid ingredients are there? Well, there are approximately 4 ingredients in your typical juice. Propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerine (VG) […]

Can E-Liquid Go Bad? — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] E-liquid is ‘shelf stable’, meaning it takes a long time to expire. A finished e-liquid product is usually good for around 2 years before it reaches a point where it should not be vaped. So when you drag out that bottle of Scones that you put in the cupboard to steep and forgot about a few years back, you should think twice before cracking it open. Propylene Glycol (one of the main ingredients in e-liquid) is commonly used in food production as a preservative, naturally preventing degradation over time. Similarly, Vegetable Glycerine also has qualities that lends itself to a long shelf life. Whilst these ingredients have a long […]