


あなたに合うフレーバーは? 現在、非常に多くのVAPEリキッドが販売されており、その選択に頭を悩ませることがあります。そこで、VAPEリキッドをフレーバー別に分類してみました:フルーツ - あなたがフルーティーなものが好きな場合 キャンディ - あなたが甘い歯のビットを持っている場合 デザート - あなたが甘くて豪華なものが好きな場合 タバコ - あなたはまだその滑らかな香りの風味を愛する場合 シリアル - あなたが一日中それらの素敵な朝食の味をしたい場合 飲料 - あなたがあなたのベイプの渇きを癒したい場合 メンソール - あなたが物事をクールに保つために好きな場合 どんな味の組み合わせや[...]に関係なく。

Our Concentrates For E Liquid Developing


Concentrates are essentially the flavours that are used in the creation of e-liquid flavours. Concentrates can be either natural or synthetic and are formulated by flavourists whom attempt to reconstruct specifics flavour profiles. The chemicals used to create these flavours are assigned CAS numbers (an universal code) which enable manufacturers to understand exactly what is used to flavour their liquids.   Concentrates can either be simple or complex depending on the desired output. Typically most concentrates are simple flavours such as blackcurrant, biscuit, or honey, however some concentrates can be very intricate or complex such as Lemon Meringue Pie. Flavour concentrates vary greatly in terms of their strength and potency, […]

Magical Flavour, Dedicate in Promoting Your Ejuice

Magical Flavour is a brand factory specializing in the production of flavors for e-liquids. We have been immersed in the e-cigarette industry for more than ten years and have unique insights and special innovations for various flavors.   There are many flavor factories in China, how does Magical Flavour stand out? Relying on a wide range of product lines, Magical Flavour can well meet the various taste needs of domestic and foreign clients. One taste, many innovative types, to meet the specific needs of clients for sour, sweet, and coolness, there is always one suitable for you.   Taking into account the specific needs of different clients, Magical Flavour has […]

独自の DIY Vape ジュースを作る

Your mixing adventures! Using Flavor concentrates, to make your own DIY vape juice. Are you tired of the commercial same ready-to-vape juice in the market? DIY vape juice is the choice of homemade from the ready e-liquid in the market. The same ingredients will be used, but adjustable and flexible by your own idea and taste of sense. Yes, we all know there are cheap vape juice choices in the market, but with flavor bans proposed in some countries, it will be hard to buy ready-to-vape juice down the line. So that we do it and can call DIY juice a creative and cost-saving solution to the common vape juice […]


Welcome Congratulations on purchasing your new electronic cigarette. We hope you enjoy vaping with it. E-cigs are a fast-growing industry, and they have been increasing in popularity for years because they offer a smoke-free alternative to cigarettes. You are joining millions of others who have chosen this alternative to smoke. This booklet is meant to offer a brief introduction to your e-cigarette, how to use it, and how to maintain it. As you become more familiar with this technology, you may decide to take your customizable vaping experience to the next level by building your own mechanical MODs, rebuildable atomizers (RBAs), or rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs). If you do, we […]