TPD-registration process in Germany – what do you need to know?


According to TPD, vape product manufacturers and importers of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids have to provide the competent authorities of the UE Member States with detailed information on, among others, the list of all components of these products and substances released as a result of using the product.

Another guideline that TPD carries is laboratory tests. It allows excluding from the sale any vape products that carry prohibited substances, such as carcinogens or heavy metals.

The Directive also regulates the matter of TPD-compliant e-liquid packaging, which we have already described in parts – 1st & 2nd. Be sure to check it!

Moreover, TPD does not allow the promotion of e-cigarette products in mass media such as television, radio, or the press.

Keep in mind, however, that the details of the mentioned guidelines are additionally regulated by each EU Member State at a national level. It means, that the requirements regarding packaging or advertising regulations may differ in various countries.

If you want to learn more about TPD, here you will find everything you need to know about Tobacco Products Directive. Keep in mind, that pure nicotine is also subject to TPD, and our PureNic 99+ is one of, if not the purest, on the market. Make sure to check it!



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