Архив за месяц: Март 2022

Apple Candy Cocktail

Концентрат яблочного вкуса 1000мл 8002
[ad_1] INGREDIENTS 2 oz Vodka 3 drops OOOFlavors Apple (Candy) Flavor Concentrate 3 drops OOOFlavors Apple (Red) Flavor Concentrate 5 oz 7UP 1 oz Lime Juice Splash Grenadine DIRECTIONS Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Shake well, serve over ice or in a chilled glass of choice. Enjoy! [ad_2] Source link

Mint Shot Delight | One on One Flavors

[ad_1] INGREDIENTS 1 small (3.4 oz.) package chocolate instant pudding mix ¾ cup (6 oz.) cold milk ¾ cup (6 oz.) vodka 1-2 drops (subjective) OOOFlavors Menthol Flavoring 8 Oreo® cookies, roughly crushed, plus more for garnish 8 oz. tub frozen whipped topping, such as Cool Whip®, thawed DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, whisk […]

Пять вкусов, популярных среди новых вейперов

Пять вкусов, популярных среди новых вейперов

  You could be forgiven for thinking that smokers who have recently switched to vaping prefer plant flavoured e liquids to replicate the taste of cigarettes. However, in our experience this isn’t the case. In fact, it is often experienced vapers that are most likely to use plant flavours. The flavour of burned plant is […]

Why Nicotine Isn’t the Enemy

[ad_1] Tue 10 May 2016 “Aren’t cigarettes terrible, all that nicotine giving people cancer and heart attacks. Oh and those e-cigarettes, they’re just as bad” is what a lot of people think.   Wrong, I’m afraid.   Although nicotine is one of the main reasons why smokers find it so hard to give up the […]

5 E Liquid Flavours That’ll Go Well With Your Morning Coffee

[ad_1] Thu 12 May 2016 Literally billions of people around the world wake up everyday and almost immediately make themselves a nice hot drink. We in Britain are known for drinking tea. However, it appears as though coffee is actually the caffeine fix we prefer. With that in mind, here are 5 e liquid flavours […]

Mouth to Lung and Direct Lung Vaping Explained

[ad_1] Wed 18 May 2016 If you’re a new vaper, then you may find all the talk of mouth to lung and direct lung vaping a bit confusing. In fact, some manufacturers just put MTL or DL on their coil heads.   Not to worry, here is a simple explanation.   Mouth to Lung: […]

5 Mechanical Mod Safety Tips

[ad_1] Thu 19 May 2016 With so many regulated mods around nowadays that can produce 200 watts or more, you would assume that mechanical mods are becoming a thing of the past. And you’d be right.   However, a lot of people still opt for a mechanical mod to take their first step into sub […]

A Black Market Future for Vaping?

[ad_1] Tue 24 May 2016 Globalisation is a funny thing, particularly when it’s teamed with the internet. Some see it as the dawn of an economy truly without borders, benefitting us all with more choice and better opportunities. Others see it as a movement to further line the pockets of the rich, leaving everybody else […]