カテゴリー別アーカイブMagical Flavour/ Flavour Concentrates

独自の DIY Vape ジュースを作る

Your mixing adventures! Using Flavor concentrates, to make your own DIY vape juice. Are you tired of the commercial same ready-to-vape juice in the market? DIY vape juice is the choice of homemade from the ready e-liquid in the market. The same ingredients will be used, but adjustable and flexible by your own idea and taste of sense. Yes, we all know there are cheap vape juice choices in the market, but with flavor bans proposed in some countries, it will be hard to buy ready-to-vape juice down the line. So that we do it and can call DIY juice a creative and cost-saving solution to the common vape juice […]


Welcome Congratulations on purchasing your new electronic cigarette. We hope you enjoy vaping with it. E-cigs are a fast-growing industry, and they have been increasing in popularity for years because they offer a smoke-free alternative to cigarettes. You are joining millions of others who have chosen this alternative to smoke. This booklet is meant to offer a brief introduction to your e-cigarette, how to use it, and how to maintain it. As you become more familiar with this technology, you may decide to take your customizable vaping experience to the next level by building your own mechanical MODs, rebuildable atomizers (RBAs), or rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs). If you do, we […]


Compared with the United States’ stricter plant control policy, the British policy is too loose. In 2018, the United Kingdom began to allow the sale of e-cigarettes in hospitals and provide patients with e-cigarette lounges to encourage smokers to switch from traditional plant to e-cigarettes and eventually quit smoking. According to a recent public health report (PHE) published in England, at least 1.3 million people have completely quit cigarettes because of e-cigarettes as British officials continue to support the reduction of plant harm through e-cigarettes. In the United Kingdom, e-cigarettes exist as medicines, which predestined that it will take a completely different path from other countries from the beginning, but […]

発がん性物質は他の害を減らします 電子たばこの素顔を暴く

Even if the harm of electronic cigarettes was exposed at this year’s 3.15 party, the electronic cigarette industry is still one of the hot spots in the investment community this year. Advertising from various channels is constantly being promoted. Under the packaging of manufacturers, electronic cigarettes seem to represent a kind of Easy and healthy lifestyle. Is it really the truth? Just on September 15, Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York State, announced an “emergency executive order” banning the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes. The reason is simple. The New York Governor’s Office said that the executive order aims to eliminate deceptive e-cigarette marketing to underage users and increase the […]