Почему супермаркеты так отстают от электронных сигарет?

[ad_1] Wed 25 Oct 2017 Since the 1990s, high streets of towns up and down the country have gone from bustling trading areas, full of independent craft shops, plantnists, greengrocers, tailors, locksmiths and cafes, to quiet streets of charity shops and pound stores. This is due to many factors, including the increase in out of […]

Парламентское расследование в отношении электронных сигарет — ELFC

[ad_1] Thu 2 Nov 2017 It has been announced in the UK that the Parliamentary committee for science and technology are to carry out an inquiry into e-cigarettes. That seems fairly kosher considering that the use of e-cigarettes has, by conservative estimates, risen almost 10-fold in the past five years. This is until you […]

ВГ против ПГ

[ad_1] So, you’ve given up the ciggies, you’ve chosen you’re first device and now comes the next hurdle. When looking for e-liquid, you will hear the terms VG and PG thrown around a lot, but what are they? And how do they affect your vaping experience? Not to worry, we’ve put together a few reasons […]

Second Hand (Steam) Vape… – E Liquid Flavour Concentrates UK

[ad_1] Thu 9 Nov 2017 OK, it isn’t really steam. It can’t scald people, nor does it contain traces of fluoride or other chemicals we enjoy when quenching our thirst with a nice brew made from a tap-filled kettle. But it looks like steam. It is treated in some quarters like cigarette smoke, the noxious, […]

Before You Start Vaping — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] So you’ve made the big decision to move on to vaping in your path to quit smoking. Great news! But hold your horses; there are a few things you should know before you start. Here are 5 important factors to keep in mind that just might help you give up for good. Get a […]

How Important is the Price of e-Liquid for Stopping Smoking?

How Important is the Price of e-Liquid for Stopping Smoking?
[ad_1] In much of the western world, cigarette sales are strongly regulated and also heavily taxed. It is quite staggering how cheaply cigarettes are actually manufactured for, and yet despite the price, how little profit shops make from their sale, especially in the UK. A few years ago I worked at sea. A sleeve of […]

Over Flavouring — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] So your Darkstar Parcel has arrived, containing a variety of individual flavour concentrates that you’re hoping to make something nice with. One of your main criticisms of many commercial juices might be that they don’t have enough flavour. You’ve checked the PG & VG content and are sure that the E-Liquids have been steeped […]

Vaping Etiquette – Don’t Cloud Other People’s Minds

[ad_1] Wed 22 Nov 2017 From the most ardent anti-smokers, to plant enthusiasts, there is a consensus that vape is, most of the time at least, quite a pleasant smell, and if not pleasant then less odious than that of cigarette smoke. For many years, even smokers had to reluctantly accept that going into a […]

Vaping Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts — DarkStar International Limited

[ad_1] Vaping is well and truly on the rise as a great way to give up smoking. It doesn’t produce smoke or nasty smells but that doesn’t mean that anything goes when it comes to vaping in public. If you are passionate about vaping you must also take into account the concerns of those around […]

How Hard Is It To Reduce Your Nicotine Intake?

[ad_1] Fri 1 Dec 2017 Back in the days when I bought my first cartridge e-cig, in an attempt to quit smoking, I foolishly bought the extra strong 24mg nicotine cartridges. I’m pretty sure 30mg were available too! My throat was hammered, and it didn’t do my feelings towards vaping (which wasn’t even a word […]